Which Way AI & ML Technologies Are Heading Towards

Magicmind Technologies Limited
3 min readSep 9, 2020

Now it is an established fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transfiguring the way businesses operate. Over the last couple of years, AI application has been spiked in software and business automation development companies.

What Are The Stats Saying?

According to Gartner, by the end of 2020, almost 30% of top information officers will consider AI as top as one of the top five investment priorities. When companies employ comparatively new technologies such as AI and ML (Machine Learning), they will eventually think about how new areas could be impacted by technology. It may range across several sectors (IT, manufacturing, logistics, manufacturing, customer services, etc.). We should wait for the day when AI and ML techniques will be implanted in the methods of organizational operations; our organizations will gain the in-depth knowledge that will guide them to adapt to evolving requirements.

Is AI Surpassing The Growth of ML?

If we analyze the last two years’ data, we can see how interest in AI is continuously growing. Compared to 2018, engagement in AI has increased by 58%. It indicates how AI is steadily outpacing the popularity of ML.

The Future of AI

In this digital age, the human race has created a machine the acts like humans. AI has blessed us with thinking machine- ‘thinking,’ which was so far a unique feature of humans.

This self-propelled machine has transformed the business functions. Some examples of AI-empowered smart devices are- digital assistants, self-driving vehicles, and robotic factory staff. AI has changed customer service, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, and the media sector. Let’s find out how.

· Customer Service

We have already witnessed how Google is using AI to generate digital assistants. Many businesses are implementing AI-powered chatbots on their websites to improve customer services. These bots can instantly reply to a user’s query. Engineers are still working to introduce better versions of chatbots in the future.

· Transportation

Still riding here and there with autonomous cars has not been turned into reality, but it’s not far away from today’s date.

· Healthcare

AI has helped doctors diagnose diseases quickly and accurately. Drug discovery has also become faster and organized. Virtual nursing assistants efficiently monitor the patients, and big data analysis helps create a more personalized patient experience.

· Manufacturing

AI empowers robotic devices for making them work like humans. Now, the tasks robots can execute are limited, but it will be extended in the future. Now automated devices can assemble and stack machine parts and monitor the performance of the used equipment.

· Media

AI has harnessed journalism. Big media houses are using AI technology to analyze and prepare complex financial reports. In the future, media will use AI for other purposes as well.

The Future of ML

Technology experts have made some predictions about ML after analyzing current technologies. These predictions are:

· In the coming years, ML will become an integral part of AI

· ML will be offered as a cloud-based technology in the future

· Interconnected AI systems will allow ML algorithms to continue ‘learning’ based on the new information on the Internet

Bottom Line

By adopting analytical technologies, most companies are discovering more information about their industries. The adoption of ML, on the other hand, encourages people of a company to ask questions to the organizations about its roots and functions. An amalgamation of AI and ML can help the machines surface new information that helps people learn more. Before concluding the discussion, it is vital to state that the future lies in the collaboration of AI and ML. The integration of the two smartest technologies will make life and business even smarter.



Magicmind Technologies Limited

Magicminds, headquartered in the USA with branches in India, and Australia, is a leading provider of custom software solutions.